I would truly appreciate it if a Christian would solve this puzzle.

I really have a problem trying to reconcile the contradictions between Christians and the President that Christians voted for.

Take the President’s immigration policies. The President has taken an extremely hard line against both undocumented immigrants from Mexico, as well as Muslim refugees.

Jesus said:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in… Matthew 25:35


That’s about as polar-opposite as you can get. I would truly appreciate it if a Christian would solve this puzzle.


  1. There is no puzzle. Trump is not a Christian. His actions are not Christian. What he has done is wrong on many, many levels.


      1. I know very few Christians who “love Trump” I know many who voted for him as the lesser of two bad choices but “love him”? That is a rare thing among most Christian circles.


  2. I know a lot of Christians who do, unfortunately, love Trump. I am not one of them, but my parents are. Some of my in-laws are. I think that trump plays to this idea of “Americhristianity”, where faith and nationality are so intermingled that you can’t have one without the other. To be American is to be Christian. To be Christian is to be American (and conservative, though most of them won’t admit that they feel this way). America first. American Dream. American rights. America, America, America. Trump knows this and uses it to his advantage.


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